Each Tuesday, Smart Flight Training will post a sample question that a pilot could expect to see on an FAA Knowledge Test or hear during the oral portion of a checkride. A little known secret to saving money and time during your flight training: PREPARE! Hopefully Testing Tuesday post will be one small step in helping you live up to your side of learning to fly by being prepared when you meet with your flight instructor, saving you money and time! Good luck on the below question – click the link at the bottom to see the answer and explanation!
(See Airport Diagram below question) That portion of the runway identified by the letter A may be used for:
- Taxiing and takeoff
- Taxiing and landing
- Landing
Click Image to Enlarge – NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION
I hope this Testing Tuesday question was enlightening and helpful! If you have any questions or concerns about this answer (or have a question that you would like to see on an upcoming Testing Tuesday post), contact us and let us know!
Andrew Hartley is a certificated flight instructor and commercial pilot in Columbus, Ohio. He would be more inclined to grow up if he saw that it worked out for everyone else.
Andrew, what a great idea! Testing Tuesdays are on my calendar! (kind of like instrument approach Wednesday in the AF…set aside a day to RTB via a full procedure Hi-ILS.) Nice work!
Rob – Thanks! I always love the “Quiz” sections of flying magazines, so I thougt this would something like that – a great study opportunity for students and a great review opportunity for “old-timers!”